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“Think Different” Apple does justice to their motto every time they launch a new product. Apple has reinvented the mobile phone industry with its revolutionary iPhone and app store and is defining the future of mobile media and computing devices with iPad. I’ve always had a clear set of goals as to what I want […] Read more...

TAGS: iOS App Training in Thrissur, iOS course in Thrissur, iOS Course Training in Thrissur, iOS Training in Thrissur

android training in thrissur

One of the primary ways with which people around the globe communicate with each other is via mobile phones. Half the mobile user population across the globe has shifted from feature phones to smartphones and according to the eMarketer report, will be using their smartphones at least once a month this year. But we all […] Read more...

TAGS: Android developer training program in thrissur, Industrial Visit in Thrissur, iOS course in Thrissur, iphone development course in thrissur

Training programs are held for the betterment of competence level  of a person. But does it lead them to be successful ? Some people aren’t able to snatch the opportunities from the grid made available to them. A training center has employees who are well trained, educated having an professional image and are ready to […] Read more...

TAGS: Android course training in Thrissur, Asp.Net course training in Thrissur, Odoo course training in Thrissur, PHP course training in Thrissur

Android is here to stay. Despite some other operating systems like Apple iOS and Symbian making their way into modern phones, Android based smartphones still rule the market – Android Development Training In Thrissur. It is a wonderful time to become an Android developer. Newer apps are being produced every day, and there is high demand […] Read more...

TAGS: Android training course in thrissur, Asp.Net training in Thrissur, ios training course in thrissur, project training in thrissur, web designing course in thrissur

According to the reports, by the end of next two years, India will have the 2nd largest Smartphone market in the world. This trend will reach approx 200 Million by 2016 and approx 650 Million by 2020. This is why all small to big companies such as e-Commerce companies like Myntra are going Mobile App […] Read more...

TAGS: Android courses in Thrissur, Android training programming, iOS course in Thrissur, mobile App courses, mobile App Programming
