HTML5, CSS3, Jquery, JavaScript, MySQL, PHP, Codeigniter Framework, React (optional), Angular (optional), and RESTful APIs.
5 Months of training classes with a hands-on project to practice. Provision of an optional 12 months internship including the training period.
String, List, Tuples, Exception Handling, Regular Expression, Database Connectivity, Machine Learning, Data Science, IoT, etc
5 Months of training classes with a hands-on project to practice. Provision of an optional 12 months internship including the training period.
Core Java, J2EE, Java Array, OOPs, Java Thread, Servlet, Web Services, Hibernate, Struts, Spring, Restful Web Services, HTML, CSS, etc
5 Months of training classes with a hands-on project to practice. Provision of an optional 12 months internship including the training period.
HTML5, CSS3, Jquery, JavaScript, HTML Forms, Dom, Cookies, AJAX, Functions, Variables, APIs, Fronted with React(optional) and Angular(optional)
5 Months of training classes with a hands-on project to practice. Provision of an optional 12 months internship including the training period.
File system, Building APIs using Modules, Events, and Packages, ASYnc Patterns, ExpressJS, Working with Data, Hosting Standalone Node, etc
5 Months of training classes with a hands-on project to practice. Provision of an optional 12 months internship including the training period.
AngularJS, CSS, JavaScript, AngularJS Basics, Expressions, Filters, Directives, AngularJS Modules, AngularJS forms, Single Page Application(SPA)
5 Months of training classes with a hands-on project to practice. Provision of an optional 12 months internship including the training period.
UI Layouts and events, Applications, MVC FRAMEWORK, Android, Core Java, Kotlin basics, Android with Kotlin
5 Months of training classes with a hands-on project to practice. Provision of an optional 12 months internship including the training period.
On-page and Offpage Optimization, SEO Tools, SEO New Trends and various Software, Social Media, Google Ads, Affiliate Marketing, E-commerce
5 Months of training classes with a hands-on project to practice. Provision of an optional 12 months internship including the training period
Framework and Objectives, Controls and Properties, Objective C and Swift C iOS Training, Web Application
5 Months of training classes with a hands-on project to practice. Provision of an optional 12 months internship including the training period
MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js,HTML,CSS, JavaScript, Git-Git Hub
5 months of training classes with a hands-on project to practice. Provision of an optional 12 months internship including the training period.
MongoDB, Express.js, Angular , Node.js,HTML,CSS, JavaScript, Git-Git Hub.
5 months of training classes with a hands-on project to practice. Provision of an optional 12-month internship including the training period.